Disability insurance provides you with a source of income in the event that you are unable to work due to an accident, illness, or injury. Some policies pay if you cannot perform your specific job, even though you are able to perform in a different line of work. Disability has saved countless people who are unable to work by providing income. Even if you are out of work for an extended period of time, or permanently disabled, Disability can provide years of income. Many policies will continue to pay until you turn 65 or even older.
Disability can be short-term or long-term, depending on how long the benefits are paid out. The amount of time the benefits are paid out is known as the benefit period. Most plans only allow you to purchase up to an average of 70% of your current income, but the benefit amount is NOT taxed. All plans have an elimination period, which is the amount of time you must wait before the policy begins paying the benefits. Get the best disability insurance in Georgia, call Insurance Depot.
Disability insurance provides you with a source of income in the event that you are unable to work due to an accident, illness, or injury. Some policies pay if you cannot perform your specific job, even though you are able to perform in a different line of work. Disability has saved countless people who are unable to work by providing income. Even if you are out of work for an extended period of time, or permanently disabled, Disability can provide years of income. Many policies will continue to pay until you turn 65 or even older.
Disability can be short-term or long-term, depending on how long the benefits are paid out. The amount of time the benefits are paid out is known as the benefit period. Most plans only allow you to purchase up to an average of 70% of your current income, but the benefit amount is NOT taxed. All plans have an elimination period, which is the amount of time you must wait before the policy begins paying the benefits. Get the best disability insurance in Georgia, call Insurance Depot.